I've been keeping myself quite busy over the past few weeks. I got most of my college school work done early so I could just ride out the rest of the semester until graduation. That's this Saturday. I can't really believe it's time for me to graduate already. It seems like this semester just started! This will be the second time that I march with my classmates at NMCC. My first degree was in Applied Sciences with a focus in Computer Electronics. This time, it's another Applied Sciences degree..with a major in Computer Information Services. Two Associate's degrees later and I'm still thinking about going to school for a Bachelors, maybe even a Masters but I think I'll take a break. Since I've been finished with my school work for a while, you are probably asking "well then Tim..why have you been so busy?!" Work has been keeping me pretty well entertained. There are about 12 different things that are teetering on the fence and I don't know which way they're going to go. One of those things being the MLTI expansion. I've also been doing a lot of planning around that. I will be very VERY disappointed if the legislature does something stupid, like voting it down. On top of that, we've been house hunting. Yes, that's right folks, I'm looking to buy a house. I went into the venture thinking it would be as easy as pie. How hard could it be to find a house you like, say "me likey" and then shell over the money. Well...it's hard. Hardest thing being that Alyssa and I have to agree and like the same house. Yes, Alyssa and I get along and love eachother and all that, but when it comes to some things, we don't agree. We found out that aspects of houses, we tend to disagree on.. a LOT. Then there's all the paper work, the endless showings, the realtors trying to get you to buy something you don't want...it goes on and on. Doesn't help that all of the houses in Aroostook County have huge inflated prices. I spoke to someone who paid 50k for their house and it was recently appraised at 117k. They have done NOTHING to improve it. If anything, the house is now in worse shape. Insanity. People are trying to sell their houses for almost double what their worth..and then they have a hard time understanding why their houses have been on the market for two years! Alyssa and I have settled on a couple places that we both like..and we're going to pursue those. Don't know what'll happen, we may end up staying where we are for another year. Who knows. In other news, we had a incident with skunks under our front porch which may have actually turned out to be some groundhogs that got sprayed. Stay happy and healthy folks, I'll let you know when we move!