Today was another uneventful day, so I decided to do something I hadn't had time to do. The head cook in our elementary school cafeteria has been working on an old Pentium II 450 computer at least, since I had started working in Easton. She desperately needed a new machine and I finally had the means to give her one. There was one small problem..the entire Nutrikids system was located on that computer. This includes her menu programs and the database. Being familiar with Windows programs I knew there was no way to just drag and drop anything, since Windows installations usually drop files in the system folders and have registry entries, you know..things to make your life more complicated. This is why I love Macs so much..applications are so neatly packaged and you can just copy and paste them from one place to another...so nice. Anyway, I remembered working with this program called "PC-Mover" when I was a tech at Staples. I used it to move data and applications from some older computers at the Presque Isle water district over to some new Vista machines that they had purchased. It worked beautifully. It copied over everything I instructed it to, all the linked dlls and system files, registry entries..everything. It was all put in its proper place on the new OS and everything worked perfectly. So, I figured I'd give it a try again. Aside from having to clear some space to hook the computers up side by side, everything went well. Only after hooking the machines up next to eachother with the USB bridging cable did I realize that I could have performed the move over my network..wish it said that on the box somewhere! Anyway, now she has a new computer..the lunch program is still intact..and the kiddos will be having their chicken nuggets tomorrow.
I give PC-Mover two thumbs way up for making my life 100 times easier.
Photo Courtesy : Laplink Software
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