To the left of this sentence is a photo of the Apple Time Capsule. Supposedly this little device makes backup and restoration of your computer data a breeze. Up until today, I would have agreed with that. I spent the majority of my day today remotely controlling the school nurse's macbook, trying to force the damn thing to backup to this Time Capsule. I blame the Time Capsule, but actually, it is the Time Machine software that is causing the problem. No matter what I did, this thing would NOT create a sparsebundle that would stick around on the Time Capsule. I could see it trying to create it, but there were errors all over the system logs and eventually it just gave up and told me it wasn't going to happen. I tried deleting the sparsebundle, renaming the local network name on the macbook and starting a completely new backup..nothing worked. Eventually I had to give up. I've now got a choice in front of me, reformat the computer and try again..or..calling Apple tech support. You'd think the obvious choice would be the latter..but the majority of the Apple tech team hasn't a clue how our MLTI program works, nor do they have any idea of what kind of restrictions have been placed on our OS's. The MLTI division of Apple is no help either..as they do not support the use of Time Machine or Time Capsule on MLTI machines. Lame. I will probably just end up backing her stuff up the old fashioned way, reformatting it and then resetting the backup on the Time Capsule. It was working fine before and something changed..unfortunately there's no way of telling what.
Also, the rootkit won. I've tried everything imaginable to remove this thing from the operating system. Three rootkit scans with different programs and 2 malwarebytes antimalware scans. Nothing is working. Again, I'm going to have to suggest a format. I hate formatting machines but I don't feel as bad when the threat of identity theft or the theft of personal information is present.
Okay..going to go read to the little one now, good night all.
(Image Courtesy: http://images.appleinsider.com)
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