Monday already? Damn, where did the weekend go? Forget that...where did last WEEK go. Last week was my vacation from college and it doesn't even seem like it existed. Now, now it's Monday..which is followed by Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to Tuesday. I get to start Tuesday off by giving a demonstrative speech on how to play a guitar tab. Yes..riveting, I know..but you know what..it was much better than my orignal topic. Basic Java programming and how to write a rock, paper, scissors game using Netbeans. Yeah. Try demonstrating that to a bunch of Job Corps kids and keep it under 10 minutes. No..instead I figured I would demonstrate how to read a guitar tab..and then kick out some jams for a few minutes. Speaking of which, I need to borrow someone's acoustic guitar. I don't think the neighboring classes will appreciate my amp. That's a good hint to those wondering what I would like for my birthday. So, that takes care of Tuesday morning. Next up, the normal workday..which won't be starting until around noon. Why noon you ask? Well, because at 7 PM I get to be the honored guest speaker at our local school board meeting. Hooray! So, I'm all set on making multiple trips from PI to Easton..therefore I'm going to work late. The high school principal and I sat down with the superintendent a couple of weeks ago and thoroughly convinced him that going with the MLTI expansion was the best course of action for our school. But now..for some reason, I'm assuming it's because people whined and now the HS teachers are keeping their Macbooks, we have to go to this board meeting and not only convince him AGAIN..but also convince the board members. I don't have a fear of public speaking and I have presented to the school board before..but this is a HUGE decision..and I'm sure there will be more than one asinine, repetative questions..the answers to which will make no difference whatsoever because I have a feeling that all that is going to be looked at will be the dollars..not the value. Sad, but true. People don't value education as much as they do money...or so it seems. The benefits of this MLTI program far outweigh the costs. I was asked to do a quote on how much it would cost to replace our lab computers and continue on as we are now..I did as I was told. The costs of the 1 to 1 program aren't much higher..and we would be cutting the student's opportunities short by keeping the stationary, locked down, rarely monitored computer labs that we have now. It's depressing to think that we would sacrifice a once in a lifetime chance like this to save a few dollars..but it looks like that's how it's going to be. Oh, did I mention that this laptop program will cut my overhead by about 1/3 ..freeing me up to focus on things like integration instead of maintenence? I'm sure that won't factor in at all. Who knows though, maybe with all the money they save by opting out of the program..I can finally get some benefits.
In other news..Macheist has one day left. They've already hit the "mega-unlock" donation amount. There are no more locked apps, so it's $39 for all of them. On top of that, they've added a couple more applications to the package..one of them being Delicious Library 2. It's awesome, you should check it out.
(Image Courtesy: www.zdnet.com)
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