Yesterday was a long day. It began with speech class at 7:30 AM. Usually not a huge deal, but having just had a week off, I had become accustomed to sleeping in a little later than that. To make things worse, I had volunteered to be one of the first to present our "Demonstrative" speeches. I chose to demonstrate how to play guitar tabs. So yes, this means I have to basically put on a concert at 7:30 in the freaking morning. Not to brag but I'm a pretty decent public speaker, I've become acclimated to giving public presentations and speeches, it sort of comes with the job. Let me tell you right now, playing a guitar in front of a crowd of people...NOT the same thing. I think I'm a decent public speaker because I am always prepared to speak and I am confident in what I'm presenting. My guitar skills..not a source of confidence. I had a feeling I was going to have issues so I apologized ahead of time. Over all, I didn't do too poorly, even though I was nervous as hell. You know I'm nervous when I mess up 3-4 times in a song that I've played millions of times before without an issue. Everyone was still really impressed and I got a good round of applause, this made me feel a bit better. After class I got to go home and relax a bit. This gave me time to prepare. I had to present to school board at 7 PM regarding the laptop expansion. I received a call from the Superintendent and he basically told me that I needed to convince him once more that the expansion program was the best course of action for us. Of course, this time I have to convince the rest of the board with him. About an hour or so before I was set to present, I started feeling nauseous, by the time I was done, it had left. I've never had an upset stomach problem before this time..but a lot was riding on what I had to say. I went over every single detail of the program, I showed them facts, figures, benefits and drawbacks. The chair of the board asked Mr. Keenan(the superintendent) and the HS principal what their positions were. They were both in favor of the program. But there were a couple members of the board who wanted to go over the budget first. This is when I was dismissed. What a horrible torture. I came to work this morning, still not a word. Until 10 minutes ago. Our principal had spoken to the superintendent and the board voted in favor of the program! I almost did a happy dance right there and then. To have an entire school full of Macbooks..awweee..it's like a dream come true. Now, if the legislation would just leave it be...
(Image courtesy: http://www.cecscareers.com/)
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