Yesterday I was introduced to a new firefox addon called Webmynd. Thanks to @rmbyrne on Twitter for this one. Webmynd is an excellent tool that records every website your visit and saves a virtual copy of it to your hard drive. The greatest part is it doesn't just save an image or the URL of the site but it actually saves an HTML copy of the actual working page. This way you can go back in and review the website with full browsing capabilities later. You have the ability to turn recording on and off at any time by using the control located in the lower right hand corner of your browser window and there are different recording options to choose from. All of this is great because you don't have to spend all that time tagging and bookmarking sites that you want to revisit later on. Webmynds records them in the background and allows you to do a quick search later to find it again. Also, as an added bonus..it allows you to completely personalize the entire right hand side of your google searches with wikipedia, flickr..or whatever websites you choose. The basic firefox addon is free of charge. This allows you to keep a week's worth of history. 6 months worth of history is $10 and a year's worth is $20. The reason for the charge is because they actually index all of your history on one of their servers online. This increases costs for them but reduces the load on your own personal computer.
I suggest checking it out.
In other news, I messed my leg up last night and bought a new Blackberry Storm..more on that stuff later.
(Image Courtesy: http://abductit.com/)
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