The entire educational technology community was in an excited uproar today over the news that grades 7-12 will be getting new macbooks through the MLTI initiative this coming fall. I say will, it is completely optional and it looks as though the cost of the computers will be coming out of the school's EPS money..but in my opinion..and the opinion of many others, it will be worth it. Now it's my job to convince my administrators and the school board of my opinion. Should be fun. In other news, I sat in on another edtechtalk.com seedlings session today and they were interviewing Andrew Sutherland, the creator of quizlet.com. I had never heard of it until today but it is an excellent site. It allows you to not only create flashcards and quiz yourself with them, but it also saves them and makes them publicly searchable. I'm bringing quizlet to the staff tomorrow..we'll see where they go with it. It has been a long day and I can tell I'm getting sick, going to cut this one short. I'm out.
(Image Courtesy of www.computer-choppers.com)
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