I would like to start off by stating that I have not been slacking when it comes to writing my blog entries. I have been...preoccupied. Plus there has been a lack of material to write about due to this preoccupation. I have been working on many little projects here and there as things have seemed to calm down in the area of tech support at work. I have built a new image for the HS library iBooks and have almost finished reimaging those. I have taken up a job researching and building a new computer system for a former teacher. I have also been working with the leasing company to get some new copiers put into our buildings. Add that to my everyday work load, life, the universe and everything..and spare time just drifts away. Add to that the sickness that I have been fighting for the past 4 days and I think I have a valid excuse. So stop judging me!
Okay, now..down to business. Since I really have nothing super exciting going on at this moment in time, I guess I can talk about what's on the docket for the upcoming weeks and months. At some point this week I have to do a cable pull in the High school so we can network the new photocopier. I personally don't think it's necessary to network our photocopier and I can forsee many issues with this. BUT they're paying me $150 to do it, they seem pretty adament about getting it done and you know..I can always pull it off the network later on :)
I actually took a 2 hour break while typing this entry because of an super excellent discovery! Macheist is putting on a charity sale! Macheist 3 bundle is on sale now and for the next 13 days only. You can get the following applications for a mere $39! 25% of this goes to charity and it CAN go to a charity of your choosing!
iSale (Retail:$39.95) - Online auctioning doesn't have to be a chore, make it fun with iSale!
Picturesque (Retail:$34.95) - Stop opening clunky photo software just to touch up your pictures.
SousChef (Retail:$30.00) - Turn your Mac into an awesome kitchen companion.
World of Goo (Retail:$20.00)- One of the best games of 2008. Imaginative puzzle game.
Phoneview (Retail:$19.95)- Gives you more control over your iPhone and iPod touch.
LittleSnapper (Retail:$39.00) - an excellent screen and web-snap application for Mac OS X Leopard
Acorn (Retail:$49.95) - A photo editor built for the rest of us.
Kinemac (Retail:$299.00)- Real time, professional 3D animator.
WireTap Studio(Retail:$69.00) - Awesome audio recorder, editor, organizer.
BoinxTV (Retail:$199.00)- A TV studio..right on your Mac!
The Hit List (Retail:$69.95) - Simple to use yet powerful task manager for you and your life.
Expresso (Retail:$80.00)- Get your geek on with this complete set of developer tools for the mac.
(Total Retail Cost for all Apps : $950.75)
Plus if you are one of the first 25,000 buyers you get
Big Bang Board Games (Retail:$24.95) - Seven classic board games with a 3D twist.
So that's $975.70 worth of software for $39.00.
Why not go for it? Even if you aren't going to use the software anytime soon, you can find someone who will..and you can donate to a charity of your choice. You can't go wrong!
I've already purchased my bundle, the deal was just way too good to pass up.
Also, if you invite other people to participate, you get two other applications as well. Ill leave those as a surprise for you. BUT if you read this and decide to buy the apps..don't forget to tell them who told you about it!
I'm going to go play World of Goo now.
(Image Courtesy: www.culturefeast.com)
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