Ran into an interesting little bug today. We have some G4 iBooks in a cart in our library for the high school students to sign out and use. Thanks to the MLTI "geniuses" who obviously had no clue what I was talking about when I said I needed the image for the HS MLTI I iBooks..I inadvertently put the HS Staff Macbook image on these iBooks. Well..the HS Macbook image is designed to run optimally on Intel Macbooks with 1 gig of ram and a nice speed processor. The OS was Leopard. In a hurry to finish, and without paying attention (mostly because I trusted that Apple gave me the right image) I reimaged all of those laptops and just tossed them in the cart only to find out later what was actually on them..and they ran...but they ran terribly. The poor kids didn't even want to use them and would rather use the computer lab machines. So, I made it my mission to rebuild an image from scratch for them. I finally finished my image which was built on an older version of Mac OS X Tiger. Which is what the iBooks were originally intended to run. Today, after imaging about 6 machines, I noticed that the time was off on them by about 4 hours. I thought this was strange because they were supposed sync with the Apple time server on the internet. After confirming that they did, in fact, sync with the net the obvious next place to look was in the time zone section. Here I found that the computer had managed to glitch out, set itself to GMT and it was stuck there with no other options. After a couple hours of tinkering I discovered that the time settings were stored in a file called localtime. I tried messing with it to get it to give my my time zone options back but it wouldn't work. Eventually, I just pulled an old switcheroo on it. Using terminal and a sudo command I renamed the file to localtime.old and forced the computer to create a new localtime file. Voila..all my options were back. I'm not really sure what caused the glitch..maybe it has something to do with some files from Leopard remaining on the machine during the cloning process? Shouldn't be the case..the disk is supposed to be wiped before it's cloned. I booted up the image I've been using to clone and the time is fine..so the glitch is occurring during the image process. I will have to look at it more tomorrow. In other news..Apple previewed it's 3.0 version of the iPhone OS today. No surprise that it comes with copy/paste functionality and the capability of tethering ..but the kicker was the bluetooth addition. That's right folks..this new OS version can magically turn on the bluetooth radio that has been lying dormant in your phones and iPods all this time. Isn't it awesome to pay for something and still be unable to use it ...at least until Apple says it's okay. It's like sticking a biscuit on a dogs nose and telling it to stay ..then when you snap your fingers ..the dog gobbles up whatever Apple has to say..because it's been waiting so long to get it. I'm just as guilty as the rest of you..but I'm starting to get annoyed by it.
Oh..and if you only have an iPod..be prepared to shell out an extra $10 for the new OS version.
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